To type Santali using roman letters (with diacritics) download and install this file.


  1. Download and open the zip archive
  2. Copy the “exe” file to some place where you will remember it. You might try putting it in your “Program Files” directory, and then create a shortcut to it on your desktop, or start menu, etc.

Using the Keyboard

All you have to do is run the exe program. A small icon will show in the tray (bottom right hand corner of your screen). The icon looks like this:

When the icon is displayed you are ready to type Santali. In case you would like to Suspend the program temporarily, just hit “Windows_Key + s”. To resume, just do that again. The basic rules for typing can be summarized below:

To add dots below a letter, type => letter + .
For example, R + . => Ṛ

To add dots above a letter, type => letter + *
For example, n + * => ṅ

To add tilde above a letter, type => letter + ~
For example, a + ~ => ã

To add acute above a letter, type => letter + '
For example, K + ' => Ḱ


Note: this is not unicode based. It relies on ASCII characters. We would be happy to learn of any attempts to standardize these symbols as quite a number of readers/writers still use the roman.

For those who would like to edit the key mappings, you can download the the code here. This can be run using AutoHotKey on windows. Be sure to use a version that supports Unicode (v1.1 and higher). Note, it is not necessary to install AutoHotKey to use the Santali Keyboard described here. This utility includes AutoHotKey in the program.

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